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Monthly Product Subscription

Lets make it easy!

Monthly payments of $249 for a year or every-other-month sessions.

Getting great images of your products and businesses will you take you to the next level and give you great oppurtunity to share online and in person with more ease and success! You'll have beautiful images to choose from each month specially designed for your business and you!

Heres how it works:

-You will get to hand select your top 30 images from your online web gallery.

-The Subscription is a great way for your to plan ahead for future shoots like holidays coming up or special events that your product is great for!

Once you book your session, I will send over a questionnaire that helps me get to know you and your business! This will help me get a feel for the direction you would like to take and give me ideas for backgrounds to use and props to get! At this time we can discuss whether you would like a monthly subscription or an every other month (yearly or 6 month subscription).

I will spend a week photographing your product so that you have options to choose from and different styles are offered. Turnaround time will be about 2 weeks.

ONe time product session

Let me take care of you!

One payment of $499.

Getting great images of your products and businesses will you take you to the next level and give you great oppurtunity to share online and in person with more ease and success! You'll have beautiful images to choose from our specially designed shoot just for your business.

Heres how it works:

-Once you book your session I will send over a questionnaire that helps me get to know you and your business! This will help me get a feel for the direction you would like to take and give me ideas for backgrounds to use and props to get!

-I will spend a week photographing your product so that you have options to choose from and different styles are offered. Turnaround time will be about 2 weeks

-You will get to hand select your top 60 images from your online web gallery.

Do you want more photos each month? No problem! check out the subscription option!

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Lets get started!!